IM PERKY produkte van naby

Mood Clothing Mental Awareness
The IM PERKY Brand is a MOOD Clothing brand.  IM PERKY stands for  I AM PRETTY. EXOTIC. REAL. KIND. YUMMY.  We create positive slogans to uplift peoples spirits. We have custom mood designed T-shirts that say things like Word King,...
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How Is Depression and I'M P.E.R.K.Y. Related?
Gelukkige Nuwejaar Almal " Hoe is depressie en ek is PERKY verwant?" Dit hou verband, want depressie is hoekom ek hierdie spesifieke handelsmerk begin het. Depressie vertoon verskillend oor mense, ek wou 'n koel manier skep vir mense om net...
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